Archives de catégorie : "Connecter"

This is the website of the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP), an international organization. The Project aims to develop a complete philosophy or « world-view », based on the principles of evolutionary cybernetics, and supported by collaborative computer technologies. To get started, there is an introduction with background and motivation, and an overview,…

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Howard Bloom, a Visiting Scholar at New York University, is founder of the International Paleopsychology Project, executive editor of the New Paradigm book series, a founding board member of the Epic of Evolution Society, and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Association for the Advancement…

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Le projet Kismet Frédéric Kaplan et Luc Steels Comment les robots construisent leur monde : Expérience sur la convergence des catégories sensorielles. Télécharger le pdf   Site relatant l’expérience des Têtes parlantes Dialoguez en anglais avec les robots Hal : une machine qui apprend le langage humain
